Lilleba, Pudlene & PoodleInfo
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Minneboka / Memory
Alle hunder jeg har hatt, fra 1972 til 24. oktober 2022, de yngste øverst.
All my dogs from 1972 to 24. October 2022.
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This is all the poodles owned by me, since the start in 1972 and to 2022
They have been at home in my house their entire live, a few with my best friends.
Norway: Clipperline Nicko Silver Boy, M 1971 (Nicko)
Norway: Rakkisysla's Night Favourite F 1973 ( 1 CAC ) (Janca)
Swe. imp: Stortuvans Midnight Genie F 1974 (Honki), 2xCAC, 18x 2VK & CK
Eng. imp: NO CH. SE CH. Beritas Belafonte M 1974 (Diggen)
Norway: NO CH. Lilleba's Bavel Breda F 1975 (Breda)
Norway: Lilleba's Bigwig Bonaparte Napoleon M 1975 ( 2xCAC ) (Napoleon)Lived in my good neighbour's house.
Norway: NO CH. Lilleba's Midnight Playboy M 1978 ( Titten Tei )
Am. imp: Char-K Kimberly F 1975 (CK & CACIB's ) ( Kimmy )
Am. imp: Freeland Fretwell the Manorhil M 1980 ( Frankie )
Am. imp: INT CH .NO CH Freeland's Floodlight M 1982 ( Eric )
Norway: NO CH. Lilleba's for Your Eyes Only F 1982 ( Bitte ) Lived by my husband's cousin.
Norway: Lillebas Poetry In Motion, F ( Marte )
Norway: Lilleba's Silver Lilly F 1980 (Lilly) BIS puppy, CACIB's
Norway: Lilleba's Silver Sojourn F 1980 (Sojo) CK, CACIB'sLived with some of our friends.
Norway: Lilleba's Fanny Glick F 1980 (Fanny) 2x CAC, CACIB's
Norway: Lilleba's Char-K Classic Touch M 1980 (Touch) 1xCAC, CACIB's. Lived with some great friends here in Gjøvik.
Norway: Lilleba's Line Eiksdatter, si dw, F 1994, (Line) CK
Norway: Lilleba's Christina Eriksdatter, bl min, F 1994 (Christina) CK
Norway: DT VDH CH. Lilleba's Guardian Silverangel, si. dw, F 1998, (Martine)
Norway: Lilleba's Silverspoon of Love, si.dw.F, 2002 (Anna)
Norway: Lilleba's Silver Eyecatcher, M Norway, prcd-A 2000 (Anders)
Norway: Lilleba's Silvertears in Heaven, F 1999, prcd-A (Sissel)
Norway: Lilleba's Blue Blue Heaven, F 2002, lives with friends of me (Nickie)
Irland imp: INT CH.NORD CH. NO Vinner 2005 Romar Alliance, M 2003, prcd-A (Sam)
Norway: INT CH. NO CH. DK CH. NORD Vinner 2008 Lilleba's Silverboots, M prcd-A 2005 ( Terje)
Norway: Lilleba's Silverbeam, si.dw. F 2005 ( Sarah), lives with friends of me
Norway: Lilleba's Silver Destiny, M Norway, prcd-A 2008 (Lille-John)
Hungarian imp: CIB. NO CH. HU CH. CZ CH. Silver Joker Roy Rocky, M, Norway 2008, prcd-A (Rocky)
Lilleba's Silver If You Please (Einar)
Silvery Emmeline (Emmy)
Lilleba's Silver Safir (Safir)
During my 40 years as a breeder, and 50 years as poodle owner,
I have registered a total of 178 puppies in NKK
My Champions
Lilleba's Bavel Breda
Lilleba's Bavel Fancy Free
Lilleba's Baywatch Silverguard
Lilleba's Berita Cassio
Lilleba's Crescendo Baywatch
Lilleba's For Your Eyes Only
Lilleba's Guardian Silverangel
Lilleba's Midnight Playboy
Lilleba's Silverboots
Lilleba's Special Silver Kelly
Beritas Belafonte
Freeland's Floodlight
Romar's Alliance
Silver Joker Roy Rocky